How do I enter supersets?

This is actually one of the most common questions about tracking. The answer is simple, you use the entire time for the whole superset (or giant set) including both exercises and any rest time in between.

To understand the logic behind this, an example is helpful.

Say you do 25 deadlifts and 25 pull-ups in a total of 10 minutes. The total amount of time that it took you to do the deadlifts is 10 minutes. Despite the fact that you are not completely resting in between it still took you 10 minutes. If you were, for example, to divide the time by two you would be saying you did the deadlifts in 5 minutes. This is obviously not the case.

If you were to compare a workout in which you did only deadlifts, compared to a superset of deadlifts and something else it is likely that the density would be similar or if anything worse than a straight set. Fortunately this “deflates” your density, rather than showing an artificially high density that would be impossible to match even if you did deadlifts alone, which is what would happen if you were to inflate your density by using half of the total time.

It should be noted that to have the absolutely most accurate data you would stick to performing and recording straight sets. That being said, a large percentage of users train primarily in supersets and given that they are consist in that type of training, their data always reflects it and is accurate when compared to themselves.